The Mission Board on Vaccination in Europe
Thought-leadership and recommendations to strengthen immunisation systems in Europe
The Mission Board on Vaccination in Europe is a new independent, multi-disciplinary, multi-stakeholder initiative that aims to provide thought-leadership on, and recommendations to strengthen immunisation systems in Europe, with a specific focus on decision-making related to vaccination policies and programmes.
The Mission Board on Vaccination in Europe is chaired by Prof. Walter Ricciardi and brings together vaccinologists, public health experts, health economists, health care professionals, academics, civil society organisations, patient representatives, and industry.
Adopting an innovative ‘mission approach’, the collaboration aims to identify ambitious yet attainable targets for strengthening immunisation policies and programmes in Europe, including recommendations for action at the European and national levels.
The work of the mission board on vaccination in Europe is informed by a co-created ‘mission temple’, reflecting the complex environment of decision-making on vaccination. The four pillars of the temple reflect key challenges and opportunities for strengthening Europe’s immunisation systems.
The work of the Mission Board on Vaccination in Europe is enabled by funding from Vaccines Europe. The funding is limited to Secretariat costs, the hosting of meetings and events, and expenses and travel costs incurred by Members for attendance at MBVE meetings and events.